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联系人:王小姐 女士 (主管)
电 话:021-51693135
手 机:13052326431


乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/


    乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/乐泰 hf8000平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水/

技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476

乐泰 HF8000 Structure Glacier Two-component structure Acrylic adhesive - After static mixing, this type of adhesive can produce tough and durable adhesive layers on a wide range of substrates for metals, plastics and composites. 乐泰 two-component structure of acrylic acid with a simple operation of the packaging, to minimize waste and process time. Refer to the coating section for information on the binocular applicator and the nozzle. 乐泰 HF8000 is our halogen-free structural adhesive product for our customers with portable handheld products, fully compliant with halogen-free standards. The product has a high initial strength and is capable of achieving excellent bonding strength on a wide range of substrates, including metals and composites.

乐泰HF8000结构胶 乐泰双组份结构丙烯酸胶粘剂-在静态混合后,这类胶粘剂能够在金属、塑料以及复合材料的多种基材上产生坚韧持久的粘接层。乐泰双组份结构丙烯酸具有混合操作简便的包装,能够*大限度地减少浪费与工艺作业时间。请参阅涂施作业部分,查看双筒式涂施器与混嘴的信息。 乐泰HF8000是我们提供给便携手持产品客户的无卤结构粘接产品,完全符合无卤标准。该产品初固速度快,能够在包括金属与复合材料在内的多种基材上达到卓越的粘接强度。

王小姐 女士 (主管)  
电  话: 021-51693135
传  真: 021-51693136
移动电话: 13052326431
公司地址: 中国上海闵行区乐泰公司
邮  编: 200030
公司主页: http://loctite.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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胶水公司 公司地址:中国上海闵行区乐泰公司
王小姐 女士 (主管) 电话:021-51693135 传真:021-51693136
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